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janet ['dʒænit] ['dʒænit] ['dʒænit]
上帝是慈悲的 中世纪小的JANE。Janet常见英文名音译是珍尼特,珍妮特。Janet代表是上帝是慈悲的,平常作为女性用英文名字。历史来源于法语、苏格兰盖尔语,Janet是个霸气的名字,Janet给人的印象是敏捷、有创造力、严肃。,此英文名字翻译为珍尼特,这个英文名不仅看起来唯美,但拼写起来是很与众不同,这样给女生起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望女生锲而不舍,辛勤、容光焕发,在各个方面有所成就!Janet出自法语、苏格兰盖尔语,这个名字在国外较为常见。珍尼特历史寓意是上帝是慈悲的。,The name Janet is a girl's name of English origin meaning "God's gracious gift". Janet started as a pet form of Jane but has long been used independently. Jane is a feminine form of John, which derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan. Janet can also be considered a variation of Jeannette, a derivative of Joan and another feminization of the name John. Janet started as a pet form of Jane, but has long been used independently. Five hundred years ago Janet was a royal favorite in Scotland, where it remains a popular choice. Here, however, Janet has been on a downhill slide since the 1960s, with Grandma Janet now knitting booties for baby Janae. Or even, increasingly, Jane. There have been several Janets recently involved in US government, Janet is a leading member of the Jackson family, and Janet Evanovich is a bestselling author; and in the past there have been first Best Actress Oscar winner Gaynor, Psycho screamer Janet Leigh, and the mother of Jackie Kennedy. There are several attractive foreign versions that might prove appealing alternate namesakes for Gran Jan—Gianetta, Zaneta, Janneth, Sinead or Janica.,珍妮特这个名字来源于英国,意思是“上帝的恩赐”。,I too have always heard JA-net, not JA-nit and have never pronounced it that way.,我也经常听到JA net,而不是JA nit,而且从来没有这样发音过。,I would dispute your pronunciation key: It should be JA-net, (NOT JA-nit) in my view. Also I'd like to add that the Scottish Gaelic for Janet is Sheena, which is nice and doesn't have the "grandma" sound that apparently has befallen my name.,我会质疑你的发音键:在我看来应该是JA net(不是JA nit)。另外,我想补充一下,苏格兰盖尔语对珍妮特来说是谢娜,这很好,没有“奶奶”的声音,显然我的名字。,My mother always told me that my name meant, "gracious gift of God", a variation of the one you list. Also I was born on Sunday, "full of grace" and all that! My middle name is Irene, which means "peace". So all in all, who could not like the name Janet Irene? I admit it's a bit dated now and I hated it when I was younger. I tried "Jan" for awhile in high school, but it never stuck in the long run. By the time I was 30, I thought it was a good name and was glad I didn't have one of those popular names I used to wish for--they all ended in "i" or "y". Two of my granddaughters have my middle name as their middle names. I hope Janet will make a comeback in future years--maybe a great grandchild? I like it when it goes with a surname that also starts with "J" as in Janet Jackson.,我母亲总是告诉我,我的名字的意思是“上帝的恩赐”,是你所列的那个名字的变体。我也是星期天出生的,“充满恩典”之类的!我的中间名是艾琳,意思是“和平”。总之,谁不喜欢珍妮特·艾琳这个名字?我承认它现在有点过时了,我年轻的时候讨厌它。我在高中的时候试过“简”,但从长远来看,它从来没有坚持过。在我30岁的时候,我觉得这是一个好名字,很高兴我没有一个我曾经想要的流行名字——它们都以“I”或“y”结尾。我的两个孙女用我的中间名作为她们的中间名。我希望珍妮特在未来几年会卷土重来——也许是个曾孙?我喜欢它的姓氏也以“J”开头,就像珍妮特·杰克逊那样。,Janet常见音译为珍尼特,珍妮特,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['dʒænit]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Janet比较少见,用的外国人不是很多,在女生中,Janet比较多见,很多外国人也叫Janet,Janet在最近100年内,男性共有1517人、女性共有556210人,Janet做女生英文名更好。Janet常见英文名音译是珍尼特,珍妮特。Janet代表是上帝是慈悲的,平常作为女性用英文名字。历史来源于法语、苏格兰盖尔语,Janet是个霸气的名字,Janet给人的印象是敏捷、有创造力、严肃。,此英文名字翻译为珍尼特,这个英文名不仅看起来唯美,但拼写起来是很与众不同,这样给女生起名也很有寓意,表示父母希望女生锲而不舍,辛勤、容光焕发,在各个方面有所成就!Janet出自法语、苏格兰盖尔语,这个名字在国外较为常见。珍尼特历史寓意是上帝是慈悲的。,The name Janet is a girl's name of English origin meaning "God's gracious gift". Janet started as a pet form of Jane but has long been used independently. Jane is a feminine form of John, which derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan. Janet can also be considered a variation of Jeannette, a derivative of Joan and another feminization of the name John. Janet started as a pet form of Jane, but has long been used independently. Five hundred years ago Janet was a royal favorite in Scotland, where it remains a popular choice. Here, however, Janet has been on a downhill slide since the 1960s, with Grandma Janet now knitting booties for baby Janae. Or even, increasingly, Jane. There have been several Janets recently involved in US government, Janet is a leading member of the Jackson family, and Janet Evanovich is a bestselling author; and in the past there have been first Best Actress Oscar winner Gaynor, Psycho screamer Janet Leigh, and the mother of Jackie Kennedy. There are several attractive foreign versions that might prove appealing alternate namesakes for Gran Jan—Gianetta, Zaneta, Janneth, Sinead or Janica.,珍妮特这个名字来源于英国,意思是“上帝的恩赐”。,I too have always heard JA-net, not JA-nit and have never pronounced it that way.,我也经常听到JA net,而不是JA nit,而且从来没有这样发音过。,I would dispute your pronunciation key: It should be JA-net, (NOT JA-nit) in my view. Also I'd like to add that the Scottish Gaelic for Janet is Sheena, which is nice and doesn't have the "grandma" sound that apparently has befallen my name.,我会质疑你的发音键:在我看来应该是JA net(不是JA nit)。另外,我想补充一下,苏格兰盖尔语对珍妮特来说是谢娜,这很好,没有“奶奶”的声音,显然我的名字。,My mother always told me that my name meant, "gracious gift of God", a variation of the one you list. Also I was born on Sunday, "full of grace" and all that! My middle name is Irene, which means "peace". So all in all, who could not like the name Janet Irene? I admit it's a bit dated now and I hated it when I was younger. I tried "Jan" for awhile in high school, but it never stuck in the long run. By the time I was 30, I thought it was a good name and was glad I didn't have one of those popular names I used to wish for--they all ended in "i" or "y". Two of my granddaughters have my middle name as their middle names. I hope Janet will make a comeback in future years--maybe a great grandchild? I like it when it goes with a surname that also starts with "J" as in Janet Jackson.,我母亲总是告诉我,我的名字的意思是“上帝的恩赐”,是你所列的那个名字的变体。我也是星期天出生的,“充满恩典”之类的!我的中间名是艾琳,意思是“和平”。总之,谁不喜欢珍妮特·艾琳这个名字?我承认它现在有点过时了,我年轻的时候讨厌它。我在高中的时候试过“简”,但从长远来看,它从来没有坚持过。在我30岁的时候,我觉得这是一个好名字,很高兴我没有一个我曾经想要的流行名字——它们都以“I”或“y”结尾。我的两个孙女用我的中间名作为她们的中间名。我希望珍妮特在未来几年会卷土重来——也许是个曾孙?我喜欢它的姓氏也以“J”开头,就像珍妮特·杰克逊那样。,Janet常见音译为珍尼特,珍妮特,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['dʒænit]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,英文发音最好不要超过3音节。,在男生中,Janet比较少见,用的外国人不是很多,在女生中,Janet比较多见,很多外国人也叫Janet,Janet在最近100年内,男性共有1517人、女性共有556210人,Janet做女生英文名更好。