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chloe ['kləui] ['kləui]
开花的,绿色的药草 开花的 意味着“绿色拍摄”在希腊语。这是希腊女神得墨忒耳的描述。保罗在新约中的一本书信中也提到这个名字。作为英语名字,克洛伊自从新教改革以来一直在使用。法语形式的CHLOE。Chloe常见英文名音译是克萝伊,克洛伊。Chloe代表是花开,是个女士用的英文名字。源自爱尔兰语、法语,Chloe是个个性的英文名字,这个名字第一印象实际、诚实、可靠。,Chloe作为女孩子的名字,读起来美妙又精练,且该名由5个字母组成,以此来作为女孩子的英文名寓意着他是个热烈,超凡脱俗、有权势的人。Chloe历史来源于爱尔兰语、法语,这个名字在国外超级流行。克萝伊包含花开的寓意。,The name Chloe is a girl's name of Greek origin meaning "young green shoot". Chloe appeared in Greek mythology as an alternative name for the goddess of agriculture and fertility, Demeter. She was referred to as Chloe in the spring months, due to the name’s relation to sprouts and growth. Chloe is also mentioned in the New Testament as the name of a Greek Christian woman. Considerably more dynamic than most of the other Greek-based romantic literary names of the seventeenth century, Chloe is a pretty springtime name symbolizing new growth, though by no means as fresh as it once was. Though it's down a bit from its all-time peak position of Number 9 in 2009, it's still a popular choice as well as one of the most classic names for girls. Chloe has been also mega-popular throughout Great Britain, Australia, and Canada. The creative spelling Khloe has been moving up as well, thanks solely to the Kardashian klan. While Chloe has not been used for any recent celebrity babies, it is the name of the now-grown daughters of Olivia Newton-John and of Candice Bergen and the late French film director Louis Malle. Actress and style leader Chloe Sevigny is another high-profile bearer, as is rising young star Chloe Grace Moretz. Chloe is a titular character in the Greek pastoral romance Daphnis and Chloe, appears in Uncle Tom's Cabin, and is the real name of Nobel prize-winning writer Toni Morrison.,克洛伊这个名字是一个希腊女人的名字,意思是“年轻的绿色嫩芽”。,Greek, "young green shoot," "meadow" or "blooming." From the same root as chlorophyll. Another name for the Greek agricultural goddess Demeter. In Greek: Χλοη A person in the New Testament. 1 Corinthians 1:11 My brothers, some members of Chloe's family have made it clear to me that there are quarrels among you.,希腊语,“嫩绿嫩芽”,“草地”或“开花”,It is probable that the popularity of Chloe in England was influenced by the name’s popularity in France, and that, in turn, the rise of Chloe in the US has been influenced by the name’s popularity in England. Chloe was the number 1 name in England and Wales from 1997 through 2002. In 2008 Chloe was still in the top 10 at #6, while in the U.S. the name entered the top 10 for the first time, at #10.,克洛伊在英国的流行很可能是受这个名字在法国受欢迎的影响,而反过来,克洛伊在美国的崛起也受到了这个名字在英国的流行的影响。克洛伊是1997年至2002年英格兰和威尔士的头号人物。2008年,克洛伊仍以6分的成绩进入前10名,而在美国,这个名字首次进入前10名,排名第10。,The popularity of the name Chloe in France, beginning in the 1970s, may have influenced the name's rise in other countries. Chloe was used in 19th century France, but the use of the name was very low in the 20th century until Chloe reappeared after 1965 with the rediscovery of Boris Vian's novel "L'Ecum des jours" and its heroine called Chloe. A film by the same name was released in 1968. Chloe entered the French Top 200 baby names in 1977 and by 1983 was in the Top 100. Chloe peaked in France at #3 in 2001.,克洛伊这个名字从20世纪70年代开始在法国流行,可能影响了这个名字在其他国家的兴起。克洛伊曾在19世纪的法国使用过,但在20世纪这个名字的使用率非常低,直到1965年之后,随着鲍里斯·维安的小说《L'Ecum des jours》及其女主人公克洛伊的重新发现,克洛伊这个名字才重新出现。一部同名电影于1968年上映。克洛伊1977年进入法国200个婴儿名字排行榜,到1983年进入前100名。克洛伊2001年在法国达到3英镑的顶峰。,In the American South, Chloe was among classical names from Greek and Roman mythology and history that accounted for one-fifth of the names slave owners gave to newly arrived slaves and the slaves' babies before 1800. Harriet Beecher Stowe's anti-slavery novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" (1852) promoted the use of the name among 19th century African Americans. In the novel Chloe is the name of Uncle Tom's wife.,在美国南部,克洛伊是希腊和罗马神话和历史中的经典名字之一,在1800年以前奴隶主给新来的奴隶和奴隶的婴儿起的名字中占了五分之一。哈里特·比彻·斯托(Harriet Beecher Stowe)的反奴隶制小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》(1852年)在19世纪的非裔美国人中推广了这个名字。小说中克洛伊是汤姆叔叔妻子的名字。,Another influence was the 16th to 18th century "Classical Revival" period, when the English looked to ancient Greek and Roman mythology. Chloe is one of the Classical Rival names, made popular by a 1587 translation of the ancient Greek romance "Daphnis and Chloe" and by the use of the name Chloe by some of the pastoral poets.,另一个影响是16至18世纪的“古典复兴”时期,当时英国人把目光投向古希腊和罗马神话。克洛伊是古典情敌之一,1587年古希腊浪漫爱情小说《达芙妮与克洛伊》的译本和一些田园诗人使用克洛伊这个名字而流行起来。,The use of Chloe as a given name in the English-speaking world almost certainly derives from the fleeting mention of a woman named Chloe in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 1:11), leading to the name's adoption in the 17th century among the Puritans.,在英语世界中,克洛伊作为一个名字的使用,几乎可以肯定是源于新约(哥林多前书1:11)中一个叫克洛伊的女性的短暂提及,导致这个名字在17世纪的清教徒中被采用。,Derived from the Greek Khloē (blooming, verdant). The name was used as a summer epithet of Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility.,源于希腊语Khloē(盛开,苍翠)。这个名字被用作希腊农业和生育女神德米特的夏季绰号。,Chloe常见音译为克萝伊,克洛伊,长度为5个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['kləui]。不要跟舌头过不去,正确发音容易发音才是好名字,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Chloe比较少见,但非常特别,在女生中,Chloe比较多见,很多外国人也叫Chloe,Chloe在最近100年内,男性共有332人、女性共有216428人,女生用Chloe作为英文名的较多。