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jonathan ['dʒɔnəθən] [ˈdʒɑnəθən]
主的礼物,上帝赐予,耶稣的礼物 主的礼物 从希伯来文名字יְהוֹנָתָן(Yehonatan),承包到יוֹנָתָן(Yonatan),意思是“YAHWEH已经给了”。根据旧约,约拿单是扫罗的长子。他与父亲的关系很紧张,因为他与父亲的对手大卫亲密的友谊。与扫罗一起,他在与非利士人的战斗中丧生。作为英语名字,乔纳森直到新教改革之后才变得普遍。着名的持有者是盎格鲁 - 爱尔兰讽刺画家乔纳森·斯威Jonathan常见英文名音译是乔纳森。Jonathan代表是主的礼物,适合男生英文名字,历史出自爱尔兰语、西班牙语,Jonathan是个特色的名字,叫Jonathan的人的品格通常实际、忠诚、可爱。,此英文名字,中文音译为乔纳森,该名由3个音节组成,看起来最酷创意,把这个单词当作男孩子的英文名字,会给人一种不会犯错、爱美的感觉!Jonathan出自爱尔兰语、西班牙语,这个名字在国外较为常见。乔纳森包含主的礼物的寓意。,The name Jonathan is a boy's name of Hebrew origin meaning "gift of Jehovah". Jonathan was derived from the Hebrew name Yehonatan, eventually contracted to the modern Yonatan, meaning “gift of Jehovah.” It comes from the elements yeho, in reference to God, and natan, meaning “to give.” In the Old Testament, Jonathan was the valiant eldest son of King Saul, and it was his friendship with brother-in-law David that gave rise to the expression "Jonathan and David" to describe devoted, steadfast friends. Jonathan is the biblical name that started to replace the stalwart John in the late fifties, sounding more playful, sensitive and modern. Now, after being high on the list for several decades, Jonathan has pretty much lost its luster. Anne Hathaway named her oldest son Jonathan Rosebanks in 2016. Jonathan has spawned numerous spelling variations, including Johnathan, Jonathon, and Jonothan.,约拿单这个名字来源于希伯来语,意思是“耶和华的恩赐”。,Jonathan is the name of several characters in the Bible, most notably King Saul's son, who was a devoted friend of the young David. The name Jonathan is often taken as symbolic of steadfast friendship and loyalty. Jonathan was taken up by English speakers as early as the 13th century, but was a rare name until the Puritans began to use it in the 17th century. In colonial New England Jonathan was such a common name around Boston in 1776 that the British called all American Revolutionary soldiers "Brother Jonathan". This nickname had the effect of causing Jonathan to go out of fashion, both in the U.S. and Britain, though it remained in quiet use. It was rediscovered in the 1940s as parents looked for an alternative to John, making the name popular again. (Although similar in sound, Jonathan and John are completely separate names, yet inevitable confusion of the two has produced Johnathan as a variant.) Jonathan entered the SSA top 100 in 1962, peaked at 15 in 1988, and continues to be in the U.S. top 25 names for baby boys.,约拿单是经文中几个人物的名字,最著名的是扫罗王的儿子,他是年轻的大卫忠实的朋友。乔纳森这个名字经常被认为是坚定友谊和忠诚的象征。乔纳森早在13世纪就被讲英语的人使用,但在17世纪清教徒开始使用它之前,它是一个罕见的名字。1776年,在殖民地的新英格兰,乔纳森在波士顿是一个很常见的名字,以至于英国人称所有美国革命士兵为“乔纳森兄弟”。这个绰号在美国和英国都造成了Jonathan过时的效果,尽管它仍在悄悄地使用。20世纪40年代,随着父母寻找约翰的替代品,这个名字再次流行起来。(虽然乔纳森和约翰发音相似,但两人的名字完全不同,但不可避免的混淆使约翰纳森成为一个变种。)乔纳森于1962年进入SSA前100名,1988年达到15个高峰,并继续在美国25个男士名字中排名靠前。,Jonathan is the Anglicized version of the Hebrew name "Yonatan." "Yo" is a shortened form of the name of God, and "natan" is Hebrew for "to give" so the name means "God has given" or "God's gift.",约拿单是希伯来语名“Yonatan”的英语化版本。“Yo”是上帝名字的缩写,“natan”是希伯来语中“to give”的意思,所以这个名字的意思是“上帝已经给予”或“上帝的礼物”,Derived from the Hebrew Yonatan, a short form of Yehonatan which is derived from yehōnātān (Yahweh has given). The name is borne in the Bible by the eldest son of King Saul. Var: Jonothan, Jonothon. Short: Jon. Pet: Jonnie, Jonny.,源于希伯来语Yonatan,是Yehonatan的缩写,由yehōnānān(耶和华已经给过)。这个名字是由扫罗王的长子在经文中记载的。乔诺森,乔诺森。肖特:乔恩。宠物:乔尼,乔尼。,Jonathan常见音译为乔纳森,长度为8个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈdʒɔnəθən],美式发音音标为[ˈdʒɑnəθən]。容易发音的名字,别人才能记得住,国人建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Jonathan最近较流行,很多外国人也叫Jonathan,在女生中,Jonathan稍微冷门,但很有特色,Jonathan在最近100年内,男性共有845042人、女性共有3541人,男生用Jonathan作为英文名的较多。