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olivia ['ɔliviə] ['ɔliviə]
撖榄树 葡萄牙语,斯洛伐克语和匈牙利语OLIVIA。撖榄树 这个名字最初用于威廉·莎士比亚在他的喜剧“第十二夜”(1602)中的一个角色的拼写。莎士比亚可能基于OLIVER或OLIVA,或者可能直接在拉丁语oliva意为“橄榄”。在剧中奥利维亚是一个贵族,被奥尔西诺公爵所爱,而是爱上了他的信使塞萨里奥。这个名字自18世纪以来一直用于英语世界,虽然它没有变得过于流行,直到下半年的20世纪。它在美国Olivia常见英文名音译是奥莉薇,奥莉维亚,奥利维娅,奥利维亚。Olivia代表是橄榄树,女孩叫这个名字较多,源自爱尔兰语、德语,Olivia是个简单的名字,叫Olivia的人的品格通常简单、单纯。,Olivia中文音译为奥莉薇,该名听起来很朗朗上口,也很柔和,给人以有洞察力神圣的感觉。Olivia历史出自爱尔兰语、德语,这个名字在国外超级流行。奥莉薇代表橄榄树。,The name Olivia is a girl's name of Latin origin meaning "olive tree". Olivia is one of the top US baby names as well as a popular girls' name in English-speaking and European countries around the world. Records of the name Olivia exist from as far back as 13th century England, but the name was popularized after Shakespeare used it for the name of the countess in Twelfth Night. Olivia is based off of the Latin word oliva, meaning “olive.” In ancient Greece, the olive was a symbol of Athena as well as a token of peace and fertility, and olive wreaths were awarded to the winners at the Olympic games. Olivia, a lovely Shakespearean name with an admirable balance of strength and femininity, is one of the top girls' names in the world. Like her sisters Isabella and Sophia, Olivia is a megapopular name not only in the US but in the UK, Australia, Canada, and throughout the Western World. Olivia is currently the Number 2 name for baby girls in the US, and could be heading towards the very top of the list—so don't say we didn't warn you. It's the undisputed queen of the only four girl names starting with O in the US Top 1000. In the UK, Olivia was the recent Number 1 girls' name in tandem with twin brother Oliver at the top of the charts. It is still the top girls' name in Canada and Number 4 in both Australia and Scotland. Olivia has been a popular starbaby name for fifteen years, and has also been a well-used TV character name, such as in Olivia Benson on Law & Order SVU and the recent powerful lead Olivia Pope on Scandal. Golden Age star Olivia de Havilland was influential in bringing the name to U.S. attention, followed by Olivia Newton-John, and now we have Olivias Wilde, Munn and Williams. If you love popular names, Olivia might be the perfect choice for you, but parents in search of a distinctive name will have to keep looking. Some related alternatives: Olive, Livia, Liv.,奥利维亚这个名字来自拉丁语,意思是“橄榄树”。,The entire story of the meaning of Olivia was recently discussed in this blog post (scroll down to Comment #20): http://www.babynamewizard.com/archives/2011/9/overheard-in-nameland,关于奥利维亚意义的整个故事最近在这篇博文中进行了讨论(向下滚动到评论#20):http:\/\/www.babynamewirzard.com\/archives\/2011\/9\/overhead-in-nameland,I have discovered from research that Olivia means "strong army". Olivia is also known to mean "bringer of peace".,我从研究中发现奥利维亚的意思是“强大的军队”。奥利维亚也被称为“和平使者”。,An elaboration of Olive (olive tree). The name was used by Shakespeare as the name of the heiress in the play Twelfth Night.,橄榄(橄榄树)的精细加工。这个名字被莎士比亚用作戏剧《第十二夜》中女继承人的名字。,The entire story of the meaning of Olivia was recently discussed in this blog post (scroll down to Comment #20): http://www.babynamewizard.com/archives/2011/9/overheard-in-nameland,关于奥利维亚意义的整个故事最近在这篇博文中进行了讨论(向下滚动到评论#20):http:\/\/www.babynamewirzard.com\/archives\/2011\/9\/overhead-in-nameland,I have discovered from research that Olivia means "strong army". Olivia is also known to mean "bringer of peace".,我从研究中发现奥利维亚的意思是“强大的军队”。奥利维亚也被称为“和平使者”。,An elaboration of Olive (olive tree). The name was used by Shakespeare as the name of the heiress in the play Twelfth Night.,橄榄(橄榄树)的精细加工。这个名字被莎士比亚用作戏剧《第十二夜》中女继承人的名字。,Olivia常见音译为奥莉薇,奥莉维亚,奥利维娅,奥利维亚,长度为6个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,美式发音音标为['ɔliviə]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,英语发音尽量少于3音节。,在男生中,Olivia这个名字不多见,用的外国人不是很多,在女生中,Olivia比较多见,很多外国人也叫Olivia,Olivia在最近100年内,男性共有717人、女性共有470763人,女生用Olivia比男生更多一些。