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owen ['əuin] [ˈoɪn]
年轻斗士,青年人Owen常见英文名音译是欧文。Owen代表是出身高贵,年轻的战士。适合男生英文名字,来源于爱尔兰语、法语,Owen是个冷门的名字,Owen给人的印象是虔诚、有创造力、善于表达。,此英文名字,中文音译为欧文,共有2个音节,听起来响亮大气响亮,给人以有男子气概质朴的感觉。Owen最早出现于爱尔兰语、法语,这个名字在国外超级流行!欧文代表出身高贵,年轻的战士。。,The name Owen is a girl's name of Welsh origin meaning "young warrior; well-born". We hate to include this on the girls' list, since one of us has a son named Owen, but since singer Michelle Branch gave it to her daughter, it's on crossover alert along with other male hotties like Aidan and Jalen.,欧文这个名字来自威尔士,意思是“年轻的战士;出身高贵”。,The name Owen is a boy's name of Welsh origin meaning "young warrior; well-born". Owen was derived from two names—the Welsh Owain and the Celtic Eoghan. Each are connected to Eugene, which ultimately came from the Greek word eugenes, comprised of the elements eu, meaning good, and genes, “born.” Owen became a Welsh patronymic surname during the Renaissance. Owen, a resonant Celtic name, jumped 400 places between 1993 and 2003—and has continued to soar since then. Why do so many parents love Owen? It's a classic with a genuine history, yet it's right in step with the modern trend for two-syllable, n-ending boys' names. Owen-like choices with less tradition behind them include Logan, Bowen, and Rowan. The legendary St. Owen was a Benedictine monk who was a follower of St. Chad. Owen is hot in Hollywood, picked by such stars as Phoebe Cates and Kevin Kline, Ricki Lake, and Noah Wyle. It has also been seen on countless TV shows, from Party of Five to Torchwood. In Ireland, Owen may be spelled Eoin, certain to be hugely confusing in the U.S., and Eoghan. Other similar names include the Scottish Ewan or Euan and the French Ouen. Full disclosure: One of us has a son named Owen, who loves his name.,欧文这个名字来自威尔士,是一个男孩的名字,意思是“年轻的战士;出身良好”。,He died on August 24, 684, and is buried near the main altar of St. Owen Church in Rouen. His feast day is 24 August.,他于684年8月24日去世,葬在鲁昂的圣欧文教堂主祭坛附近。他的节日是8月24日。,As a layman, St. Owen, with his zeal, piety and learning, was considered equal to any of the bishops. He gained a reputation for assisting the poor and homeless and ministered to widows and orphans throughout the kingdom.,作为一个门外汉,圣欧文,以他的热情,虔诚和学识,被认为是平等的任何主教。他因帮助穷人和无家可归者而声名鹊起,并在王国各地为寡妇和孤儿提供服务。,Owen, the nobleman, at a corrupt court, began to see the size and shape of the struggle to keep the light of Christianity burning. He became a monk and a monastery builder in 636. He was made bishop of Rouen in Normandy in 641, and built monastery after monastery, for he clearly saw that only throught these centers of Catholic living and learning could Europe be savedfrom darkness. He kept up his court connections, advising the weak Merovingian kings.,在一个腐败的宫廷里,贵族欧文开始看到为保持宗教之光燃烧而斗争的规模和形状。他在636年成为一名僧侣和一个修道院建造者。641年,他在诺曼底被任命为鲁昂主教,并修建了一座又一座的修道院,因为他清楚地看到,只有通过这些宗教生活和学习中心,欧洲才能从黑暗中拯救出来。他与朝廷保持联系,为弱小的梅罗文加国王提供建议。,St. Owen was bishop of Rouen, France in the 7th century. He was born in Sancy, near Soissons, about 600 AD of a Frankish family. While he was still a child, his family housed and entertained the exiled St. Columban, who greatly influenced his early education. In his youth Owen was sent to the court of St. Clotaire II where he became an outstanding student. He gained the favor of the King and his son, who appointed him chancellor. While in office, Owen steadily opposed the then prevalent practice of simony (the practice of buying and selling ecclesiastical privileges and positions in the Catholic Church).,圣欧文是7世纪法国鲁昂的主教。他出生在桑西,靠近索瓦松,大约公元600年的一个法兰克家庭。当他还是个孩子的时候,他的家人就为流亡的圣哥伦班提供住宿和娱乐,他极大地影响了他的早期教育。在他年轻的时候,欧文被送到圣克罗泰尔二世法院,在那里他成了一名优秀的学生。他得到了国王和他的儿子的青睐,他们任命他为大臣。在任期间,欧文坚决反对当时盛行的西蒙尼(在宗教会买卖教会特权和职位的做法)。,A name of uncertain derivation. Some believe it to be from the Welsh oen (lamb). Others feel it is from the Gaelic Loghunn (youth), and yet another suggestion is that it is the Welsh form of the Latin Eugenius (well-born, noble).,不确定来源的名称。有些人认为它来自威尔士的小羊。其他人认为它来自盖尔语的Loghunn(青年),还有一个建议是,它是拉丁语Eugenius(出身高贵)的威尔士形式。,Owen常见音译为欧文,长度为4个字母,中文音译长度为1发音字节,英式发音音标为[ˈəuin],美式发音音标为[ˈoɪn]。简单有内涵的英文名,才是好名字,建议2~3音节为佳。,在男生中,Owen比较多见,上万人使用过这个英文名,在女生中,Owen这个名字不多见,相对来讲不是很流行的名字,Owen在最近100年内,男性共有196568人、女性共有501人,男生用Owen作为英文名的较多。